Perks of Getting Wellness Treatments and Spa Pampering

For some people, getting skin treatments is seen more as a luxury than a necessity. Keeping up with our hectic lifestyles, it might get difficult to set apart some time to pamper ourselves and get any kind of medical spa treatment, such as facials, skin laser removal, massages, etc. The truth of the matter is that allowing ourselves to have that time and improve our appearance can also help boost our confidence and therefore enhance our overall performance in everyday activities. Not only does it makes life easier for us by getting certain personal care done for us, leaving us care free to just enjoy the moment, but it’s also convenient getting stuff done by a professional that will work wonders on us.

Visiting a Spa Skin and Laser Center has numerous benefits. One of them being that not only do you find services such as facials and massages that are absolutely needed and appreciated, but also laser hair removal, sophisticated skin treatments that improve your appearance and sometimes even skin injections. All these get to rejuvenate your skin and help you get your best version. The best thing is that not only are these improvements visible for everyone (especially you) to enjoy, but most of these methods release serotonin and stimulate the lymphatic system, which brings all that goodness in the inside as well as the outside.

It is also all about the toxins. Most spa treatments work as a detox process in your body, getting rid of all the unwanted fluids and toxins that your body tends to hold on to. Although there are certain things you can do at home that can also help you accomplish all of this, going to a professional and letting them do all the hard work for you will most definitely give you better and long lasting results.

When we think of Laser and skin care, we often just think of laser hair removal. But laser treatment has much more to offer. For example, laser skin resurfacing is a practice that helps reduce wrinkles, blemishes, age spots, acne scars and also tightens skin and helps even out your skin tone. It is not much to say that all these services must be done by a certified professional to get not only the best results, but also make it a safe experience for you. Laser procedures give us a great advantage on prevention for any skin condition as well as maintenance. Many of the results we always hoped to see from skin creams and lotions are made possible with laser treatments.

If you are interested in many of the services that are usually offered at skin spas or laser centers, there are a few things you should keep in mind: laser practices are the most convenient and up to date and should be considered as replacement for conventional procedures (like waxing, for hair removal), make sure you get a consultation before getting anything done to make sure you’ll get what you expect, make sure it is operated by a physician for best quality services and last but not least, their equipment should be FDA approved, that will guarantee that you will be treated with the best of the best. See Ethos Spa, Skin and Laser Center for more information.

Spine Surgery – Its Dangers And Complications

What Everyone Should Know About The Dangers And Complications Of Spine Surgery

There are three main types of spine surgery, Spine Fusions, Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis, and Bone Grafts.

What Is Spine Fusions?

When the vertebra is damaged or injured, this may be the result of deterioration, and swelling of the disk connecting the vertebra, and a maladaptive arc of the spine. Injury to the spine includes instability or vulnerability of the spine. This is due to tumors, or infections. Spine fusion surgery involves, halting the movement at the traumatic vertebral area, and diminishing pain in the joint. Spine fusions involve inserting screws, and metal rods in the area to stop movement, allowing the bone to fuse together.

What Are The Dangers Of Spine Fusion Surgery?

A risk associated with spine fusion surgery, includes not easing, or stopping the pain after surgery.

  1. After surgery, the vertebrae may not join together. This is known as pseudarthrosis.
  2. Smokers have a low rate of spine fusion success after surgery.
  3. Surgeons, sometimes use a pedicle screw to fuse the bones together when doing spine fusion surgery. There is a possibility, or danger, that the screws may fracture or become slack or free, requiring surgery to extract or adjust the rods and screws.
  4. Sometimes, there is a possibility the cages and earlier grafts could subside, or drift, requiring repeated spine surgery.
  5. Damage nerves could occur, due to spinal fusion surgery.
  6. A rare occurrence from spine fusion surgery is the loss of control over the bladder or bowel.
  7. The patient might experience a loss of stability, and feeling in the legs.
  8. Men may experience not being able to ejaculate.

What Are Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis, (spon-dee-low-lye-sis) occur when someone experiences tension break in one or more of their vertebra that composes the vertebral column. Many years of stress to the vertebra weakens it, causing it to move out-of-place. This type of injury may result from playing sports, trauma, or genetics.

These are the risk of having Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis surgery.

  1. There is the risk that the symptoms may recur after surgery.
  2. The patient may develop clots in the legs.
  3. Infection and inflammation may occur.
  4. The patient may experience pain, at the operation site.
  5. Deteriorating spondylolisthesis bleeding, from the surgery, may occur.
  6. Another surgery may be necessary, due to a lack of bone development. This is prevalent with smokers.
  7. Damage to the blood vessel, and nerve may occur.

What Is Bone Grafts?

There are two areas, in which bone grafts are used. These areas are neurosurgical, and orthopedic. These two areas are essential in stimulating the bone, so they can heal. The other area is to hold up the skeleton, by plugging in openings connecting two bones. They are a vital part of spine fusion.

What Are The Dangers Of Bone Grafts?

Risks associated with bone grafts include:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Pain.
  3. Infection.
  4. Swelling.
  5. Damage to other areas such as the jaw, and face.

For more information on spine surgery, whether you need it and what kind of risks are personally applicable to you, visit Joshua S. Rovner, MD – Progressive Spine & Orthopaedics.

Using the right wave brush to get waves in your hair is important

If you have been struggling to have the waves in your hair look natural, as well as stay in the proper shape, you may not be using the right wave brush.

Choosing the right wave brush for your particular hair is important if you want to be able to have the best wavy hair. After all, the tools you use for any hair style perfect it or spoil it.

Choosing the right wave brush for your hair — There are several things you should take into consideration when buying a new wave brush. In most cases, thinking about all six of them when you choose a wave brush will stop you having to struggle, and end up with you getting waves you are happy with.

The right type of bristles — Bristles are important with any wave brush as the wrong kind will make it almost impossible to get the perfect waves you want. In most cases, avoiding extremely stiff bristles will get you well on the way to buying the best brush for your hair.

Contoured brushes — Unsurprisingly, buying a contoured brush tends to be a good move as that means brushing your hair will be easier with a brush that works with the curves of your head.

How durable is that wave brush? — Looking at reviews is important when choosing a good wave brush, especially when the durability of a brush is in doubt.

After all, a good wave brush can be quite expensive. That means, once you have bought one, you will want to be sure it is going to last you a long time, and not snap in half a few weeks after you buy it.

Do your research — The reputation of any brush is key, and reading reviews on any you are thinking about buying will help you make the right choice. Start with online reviews, then look at sites that have been created to specifically look at wave brushes.

The latter are particularly useful, as they can usually tell you quickly which wave brushes are durable, high quality and do a great job, and which are best left on the shelf. Also follow some tutorial on how to get waves – makes things a lot easier.

How much do you want to pay? — If you are not independently wealthy, it really does not make sense to spend a lot of money on a wave brush. Balance good quality with affordable price, and then choose one that is a mid-range brush. That way you get good quality without breaking the bank.

Buying from the right seller — Finally, be sure you will be buying from a reputable seller, as this will magnify your chances of getting a good quality brush.

Also make sure the prices a particular supplier is offering are in line with prices of the same brush on other sites.

What is an e111 Card?

In short, an E111 card or EHIC is a health insurance card that is solely European, European Health Insurance Card- EHIC. This card is issued by your already existing national health insurance provider and is a free card that can temporarily give you full access to healthcare when it is absolutely medically necessary. It covers a healthcare stay, whether short or long-term, in all 28 European countries as well as Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Iceland. Many people confuse it to be an alternative insurance to what they already have, but it is vital for people to realize that it does NOT cover private healthcare or private costs. An E111 also does not cover travel expenses that occur when traveling to receive medical treatment you may need, and it most definitely does not guarantee any services to be free.

How to Apply for an e111 card

Applying for as well as e111 renewal is a fairly simple process. You must contact your private health insurance company that holds your insurance policy. They will get you an application and from there determine if you are eligible to receive the free healthcare card. If your application is approved your private insurance company will issue you a card as soon as they can. However, if you apply for a card and your application is not approved you do have the ability to make an appeal. If you feel as though your rights have been taken from you, you can contact Your Europe Advice and receive a step by step on how to prove your rights were violated, why you deserve a card, and what you can do to make sure your application is approved when your appeal is processed.

Who is eligible to receive the card?

In order to qualify for a card, you, the applicant, must be insured by a private health insurance company or by the state’s social security system. Within a family, each member of the family asking for medical assistance needs to apply for their own card. People who are not European nationals but hold citizenship and are covered by a European health insurance policy are eligible for an e111/EHIC card; despite the fact that they are eligible for a card, they cannot use their EHIC in the European countries of Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Denmark.

What to do if your European Health Insurance Card is not accepted internationally

If you arrive in a new country or travel abroad away from home to receive an approved medical treatment while relying on your e111 card to work, it is nothing short of a scary and stressful situation when the authorities do not accept your card! The solution is a simple one, all you have to do is have your private health insurer at home to contact the authorities, doctors, hospitals, etc. to help settle the matter for you. You can also go online at SOLVIT to get any additional services you need.

Are there health benefits to taking CBD products like gummies and tintures?

With many alternative health treatments on the market, it can be difficult to know if the product you are being told has health benefits is the right choice for you.


One of the most popular alternative health treatments in recent years is CBD, with so many CBD products (oil, gummies, pvt label cbd) now on the market, they are often the first non-traditional treatment people try.


Do CBD products like gummies, oils and tinctures have health benefits, though? Or are they just another product that may not improve your health much at all?


Do CBD products have health benefits? — Depending on who you talk to, the health benefits of CBD products are either immense or non-existent.


Drug companies, of course, will tell you their products are much better for you than CBD products and that CBD has few if any health benefits. After all, they prefer you to buy their traditional medications than the cheaper and often much better for you CBD currently being sold.


For many people that take CBD, however, it has often become something that has been far more beneficial for them than traditional medications. For some scientists, who are now studying the health benefits of CBD, the substance is also one that shows great promise.


So what are the health benefits of CBD?


The health benefits of oils, tinctures and other CBD products — Not only do those taking CBD products often say they have given them many health benefits, scientists studying the substance are also seeing those benefits in the laboratory.


Health benefits include improving sleep issues and insomnia, improving people’s ability to concentrate and making those who take CBD products feel less anxious and stressed.


CBD products have also been shown to improve depression, to lessen the severity of epileptic seizures and to help control pain.


In the case of CBD products being pain relievers, this has been reported as being the case for conditions like cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, burns, headaches, migraines and even for people suffering from extreme pain for months or years.


Which CBD products show the most benefits? — It does not seem to matter whether you decide to use tinctures, oils or CBD gummies, as all of them have been reported to improve health.


That is why which mode of CBD delivery is best is usually nothing more than which you personally prefer.


How long does it take to see health improvements? — Like traditional medications, you will not usually experience immediate health improvements when you start to take CBD products.


Benefits can take a week to a month or more to appear, although people taking CBD products several times a day have sometimes said they noticed improvements in their health in just a couple of days.


It does seem that the more often you take CBD products, however, and for the more extended periods, those health benefits will continue to magnify over time.


What are the benefits of vaping eliquids as oppose to smoking cigarettes?

Over the last 10 years, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have switched from smoking nicotine cigarettes to vaping eliquids (like the one from instead. When they do, they will often say the benefits of vaping eliquids are far better for them than smoking regular cigarettes.


Is this actually true and, if so, what are the benefits of vaping eliquids that have made so many people switch to using them?


Eliquids are much cheaper than cigarettes — When people switch to vaping eliquids for health benefits, one thing they do not always realize is that eliquids are actually much cheaper than cigarettes.


For someone on a tight budget, this can be a lifesaver when it comes to being able to either pay bills easier or actually save money.


The set up kit to get started vaping eliquids is a little bit costly but, once you own that, buying the eliquids themselves is very reasonable.


Vaping eliquids does not smell bad — Many people nowadays do not enjoy being around people that smoke cigarettes. After all, the smell of smoke is awful and it tends to linger in your hair and on your clothes.


People that move to vaping eliquids, however, will often say how much their friends and family are overjoyed about their decision. Particularly as they no longer have to put up with a nasty smell of smoke, as the vapor evaporates into the air very quickly.


In fact, some eliquids actually smell quite nice, as they are flavored with things like vanilla and orange.


Your breath will be more pleasant — People who smoke cigarettes often have bad breath. So much so, it can be really unpleasant for people that do not smoke to talk to someone that does.


If you switch to vaping eliquids, however, not only will you not have bad breath anymore, but your breath may actually smell nice. This is due to the vanilla, orange, mint, and floral flavors that often come in a typical eliquid.


Preparing an e-cigarette is simple — When you start preparing your e-cigarette for use, it is not something people usually find to be invasive either.


This is because you can refill your vaping equipment at home and make sure it is charged up and ready to be used. Then, when you are out in town or at work, you just pull it out of its container and use it. You can even recharge it via a USB port on your computer. That is how simple it is to prepare an e-cigarette.


Smoking without the health effects — Of course, the main benefits of vaping eliquids are that the health effects are nowhere near as bad as with cigarettes.


Yes, there can be minimal health effects as there is still nicotine in many eliquids, but these health effects pale in comparison to smoking cigarettes.


In other words, if you still want have the same feeling as when you used to smoke cigarettes, but without the poor health effects, than vaping eliquids is a great alternative.

5 reasons why PPC ads are not the only way to advertise your plastic surgery practice

Attracting more patients to your plastic surgery practice is difficult. Many practices use PPC ads to grab the attention of people that may want to have plastic surgery but are not sure where to go.


While PPC ads can be a good way of getting new patients, there are other ways that can be better. Here are five reasons why PPC ads are not the only way to advertise your plastic surgery practice, and why you could be more successful trying something else.


Targeting the wrong people — The coding used in PPC ads is not always the best when it comes to targeting people that may want plastic surgery.


After all, just because someone is looking at a website with your advertising on it, it does not mean they want plastic surgery themselves. They could just be looking at the website for research, or even as a joke.


Go with a strategy like an SEO campaign for your own website, however, and you could attract more potential patients that way. You can gather more information at PracticeBloom’s SEO program for plastic surgeons.


Your competition can also bid on PPC ads — When you pay for PPC ads, you are competing against other people in your field who are also placing ads about their own plastic surgery practice.


This increases the cost per click, and lowers the conversion rate. Thus, sometimes meaning you are spending money for something that is never going to convert.


Use a strategy like paying for an SEO agency, however, and you could spend the same amount of money to attract far more potential patients and for a much higher conversion rate.


PPC ads require continual spending — The main drawback of PPC ads is that they require you to continue to spend on an ad campaign to attract more patients. The minute you stop spending, those ads also close down and shut you off from any future patients until you begin paying for ads again.


With an SEO campaign, however, the money you spend on an SEO agency’s help in improving your website will continue to work long after they have finished. To such an extent, in fact, it can have positive results for you for years afterwards.


PPC is not a long-term strategy — The benefits of PPC advertising tend to be when you first start a campaign. As that advertising campaign continues, however, the benefits tend to slow down.


If you continue advertising with a PPC ad campaign, you will eventually discover you have to spend more and more money to get the same conversion rate. A long-term strategy that is destined to fail.


The cost of a PPC ad campaign — When you compare the cost of a PPC ad campaign, you will always spend more money than a traditional SEO campaign, yet the results are often a lot worse.


In other words, while a PPC ad campaign is often a good way to begin advertising your business, it is usually something you should phase out as your business and your patient list grows.


Having Trouble With Your Brows? Try Microblading!

What is Microblading?

The application of makeup has revolutionized over the past decade with more people taking it up as an art and a form of self-expression. Makeup artists and professionals are coming up with new ways of doing makeup that lasts long and looks more natural. The issue with the application of makeup has always been that it is not natural and makes one look like a plastic doll. This has forced people to create natural looks from makeup, and one of them is microblading. Microblading is a form of tattoo cosmetic procedure that is done on the eyebrows. The brows have always been an integral and essential part when it comes to beauty and makeup application. Nowadays the standards of brows require you to have bushier and fuller hair in this region. Most people are however not born with full eyebrows, and for some, they begin thinning out as they age which is normal. With microblading, you can have the full eyebrows that you always wish for without having to draw in your brows every day when you want to go out. The process of microblading involves applying pigment directly to the skin using tiny needles. This is a permanent tattoo that can last close to one to three years if it is done properly.

Is microblading permanent makeup?

Yes, microblading is a form of permanent makeup because it is a tattoo that is implanted on the skin with pigments. Microblading saves one a lot of time when doing their makeup because the brows are already drawn in. You can decide to go out as it is because the shape is already done and the brows appear fuller or do a few touches around. Microblading can also be a great option for busy people that do not have a lot of time to do their makeup. They help you in looking your best all the time without having to try as much. Also, individuals that have tweezed out all or most of their hair can get microblading done to give them permanent brows before their original brows grow back in. microblading is, therefore, a great option and alternative when it comes to doing the eyebrows correctly.

You canc heck out the reviews from some users on Youtube – it really is great, if done correctly:

How is it done?

Microblading brows is a procedure done by a professional artist that has training, experience and is certified. If you want to get microblading, it is important that you choose the right artist. Look at the testimonials from other customers and whether the artist is trained enough. This is a delicate procedure that involves a needle, and therefore one needs to choose the right person for the job. Failure to do so can cause further damage to your brows or even badly done eyebrows. For those that want to learn microblading, some professionals and schools teach one how to microblade. There are advanced training courses in microblading, microneeding, and microstroking. Ultimately, microblading is a great way to fill in your brows without constantly worrying if your eyeliner has wiped off or not.


How To Get Rid of Head Lice

Getting Rid of Lice In Hair

Finding out you or a loved one has head lice can be very frustrating as well as embarrassing. There is often stigma surrounding lice. People often assume that if a person has lice, they are unclean, and come from a dirty home. This is just not true. Lice can be “picked up” from any place–the seat of a movie chair, the back of an airplane seat, from a coat hanging too close to another… Many types of lice are becoming more resistant to over the counter treatments, so it is important to get rid of the lice as quickly as possible.

Step One

One of the first things to do is get a cup filled with vinegar and comb through all the hair with a very fine- toothed comb or specially made lice comb, which can be found at most drug stores. If possible, find a very well-lit area or have the affected person sit outside in the sunlight (nits and lice show up much better in the light.) Begin coming though the hair with the comb, dipping it in the vinegar solution after each brush.

Step Two

After combing thoroughly though the hair, put a recommended lice shampoo all over the head, being sure to follow directions completely. After washing the hair, dry hair completely with a hot hair dryer. Comb through the hair again with the fine tooth comb to check to see if there are any remaining louse. If there are, repeat the above steps another time.

Step Three

After treating a person affected with head lice, it is very important to treat the rest of the home to be sure that the lice does not return. Some things to do are to wash all bedding in hot water and to dry on the hottest dryer cycle. If pillows are not machine washable, they can be placed in the dryer on the hottest setting for a half-an hour. Clothing should also all be washed in the hottest water temperature setting and dried, as well. If there are stuffed animals, place them in the dryer to kill any nits or louse, then tie them up in plastic garbage bags for a minimum of seventy-two hours. All carpets should be vacuumed thoroughly, and any rugs in the house washed and dried on high heat. For items such as cloth furnishings, vacuum thoroughly, then spray with a lice spray, following all directions. For items in the home that aren’t cloth, spray with a disinfecting spray, and wipe all items down completely.

Keeping Lice and Nits Away

It is important to keep in mind that head lice and nits are quite stubborn and can be difficult to get rid of. The best methods are to continue to repeat the above steps weekly, and check family members’ heads randomly to ensure that the lice and nits are completely gone. You may also want to look into head lice repellent hair bands for your kids if there is a lice outbreak at their school.


What Are Dental Implants?

Have you thought of considering dental implants but have no idea what it may entail? Well, a dental implant requires you to get a titanium post placed into your jawbone. It is almost like a tooth root and allows your dental physician to be able to place tooth replacements into the selected. During the procedure, you will be under local anesthesia and will be done in the comfort of your dentist’s office. This surgery may sound painful but your gum health plays a great part on how your experience is. Dentists are more likely to approve your surgical request if your gums are healthy and also if your bones are strong enough to be able to support an implant.

There are instances where other surgical requirements are needed in order to aide your jawbone in supporting the dental implant. Many choose to get dental implants abroad to enhance their cosmetic appearance if they have missing teeth. The procedure is very convenient as it can be cleaned right along with your natural set of pearly whites. The implants do not slip or move and provide as a great barrier to prevent other shifting teeth.


There are two types of dental implants that you can get. Depending on your preference, you can choose to get an endosteal implant where the titanium implant is surgically placed right into the bone. Although the endosteal implant is the most common, you also have the opportunity to get a subperiosteal implant where the titanium root is positioned on top of the bone to assist the jawbone in supporting the replacement tooth. Your dentist will usually wait a while to put the replacement on top of the implant. This can lasts between two months and six months. This is to ensure that the implant implant is progressing smoothly and has fully healed before adding any additional pressure. This period is called osseointegration and is the time when your jawbone and the dental implant grow into one another. If you are unsure if your gums or bones are in tip top shape, they can be fixed before you choose to g through with the procedure. It is always good to get checked for any illnesses as they can also affect your chances of getting a dental implant. You may have a longer healing process if you suffer from from diabetes, leukemia, or chronic smoking.


Once you have chosen to go through with the procedure it is vital that you always care for your implants. This includes regular dental visits and cleanings as well as maintaining proper hygiene. Your daily routine should be similar to the recommended regimen which is brushing at least twice a day and making sure to floss every day. Antimicrobial mouth wash is also a plus as it helps get rid of unwanted build up that may occur after the procedure. If you decide to go through with a dental implant remember to first discuss this with your dentist. They will run tests regarding your health history, taking x-rays, and of course examine your mouth before they can give you options on what may work for you. Dentists or dental specialists are also the only ones that can give you the most information about the procedure.

Last but not least, make sure to keep a good oral hygiene – there are a lot of tips on youtube that you can apply to your everyday life: