Get Fit for Life with Green Veggies

You always have a choice to eat healthy food and attain optimum health and longevity.

As you age, your cells start to get damaged or have slowed down in producing new ones that resist certain types of cancer.  Free radicals affect your healthy cells, allowing cancer cells start to invading your organs.

But there’s always a choice.  You can start to eat smart.

Your body is equipped with natural antioxidants that combat free radicals.  Findings reveal that people who consume adequate amounts of antioxidant-rich green vegetables daily are less prone to getting cancer.

So how do you go about preparing green veggies and encouraging your family to a heaping?

A public health professor suggests that some consumers aren’t keen on visiting the green leafy vegetable section of grocery stores simply because they’re unaware as regards preparing and turning them into delicious meals.

Some school-age kids can’t tell how lettuce tastes or looks like because they haven’t seen or eaten any.  This is quite sad because one of the most valuable sources of nutrition and fiber include green veggies such as kale, spinach, broccoli and mustard greens, to name a few.

There are so many ways of preparing a meal out of these healthy greens.  Here are some suggestions so you can start now.

Side Dish

Try sauteing garlic in butter and add in some chopped greens until slightly wilted.  To add more flavor, sprinkle some soy-based bacon chips on the chopped veggies.  If veggies are the tough variety cook instead of sauteing.  This makes for a good and healthy side dish.


Typically, healthy sandwiches come with fresh lettuce.  Instead of fresh ones you can try cooking kale, top it on your meatloaf and use these too as a filling to make a healthy sandwich for snack or breakfast.


This is the easiest way to prepare your greens.  Make your own assortment of young leaves of romaine, lettuce, and arugula. Some leafy greens could give a slightly bitter aftertaste so try to drizzle some vinaigrette over it.  The homemade vinaigrette is typically one part lemon juice combined with three parts oil.  Olive oil is a popular choice.

Leafy greens when washed and prepared well with healthy add-ons can be a healthy meal.  Serve them to your family and stay fit for life.